Apparently I've been doing more crafting than blogging for the last couple of months. I finished a slew of projects in the days leading up to Christmas. A couple of children's hats:
Mmm, cupcakes |
This hat looks better on a small person. |
These hats were for two of my favorite children, Super G and Marvelous M. Sadly, the designated hats did not fit their intended recipients, but their mother is not rigid in her observation of colors for genders, so she put the cupcake hat on her son and the Viking hat on her daughter. Both children immediately yanked them off. But in their defense, we were inside at the time. And they're toddlers.
I also wove a scarf for my mother for Christmas:
My mother has been referring to it as a "neck warmer" because it is apparently shorter than she would like. She also mentioned that she'd like a throw for the couch made from the same yarn next year. I don't have the heart to tell her what the yarn for the "neck warmer" cost, but suffice to say I'll be using a base color purchased in 1 pound bulk from Michael's or Joann Fabrics for that throw.
Dad got a hat:
I feel guilty because my father's never gotten anything hand-knit from me - by the time his birthday rolls around in May I'm burned out from the holidays & late winter birthdays and all I want to do is knit stuff for myself. Plus, he's not a scarf or sweater guy (just like my husband) and who wants a knit item for a May birthday? (Besides my mother, the Sock Monster.) I had started this hat last year but never finished it. He was very pleased with the hat - he apparently needed a new one. I figured he would wear it out around the yard, shoveling the driveway, etc., but he's been wearing it out everywhere, according to mom. And now my guilt is lessened. J has the same hat style, in gray. He got his last year.
Goddaughter E got some socks:
I love the colors, but I am sad I had to adjust the sizing from child's large to a modified ladies' small when I knit this pair. Stop growing up, damn it! Only 8 more years until college. Her mother shrieks when I mention that.
And once again, J got the shaft on the handknit gifts and received....nothing. Which is worse than last year, when he got one sock for his birthday. I intended to knit him a new pair of socks - I even special ordered two yarns I felt would match nicely to the 12,432 pairs of khakis in shades of green-grey that currently populate his section of the closet. He's been muttering that he would like socks that coordinated better than tan or black and he's still muttering. The road to hell, good intentions and all that. Ah well, our anniversary is coming up in April.